Useful Tips

Taking turns

Taking turns is important for social development, and it's also a huge part of the language. Turn-taking can be challenging for anyone, but it's often especially hard for neurodivergent people. Formalizing the behavior and making it fun can help it become a natural part of the coachee's life.

Try these ideas for activities:

Feelings and Emotions

The understanding and display of empathy and appropriate emotions of others and one's self can be challenging.

Facial expressions and other body languages, verbal intonation and responses reflecting emotion are all often misunderstood or not understood at all.

Inappropriate responses to situations may occur, for example, laughing or giggling when someone is hurt or upset. Make sure you pick up on it.

Teaching your coachee to express and control their feelings will not only help them win more immediate social approval, but will also help them develop the emotional foundation for success as teens, and even as adults.